makeste User Guide
Descriptions - makeste.exe
Generate Spatial Transform Engine (STE) settings for AP0100 and AP0200 series image stream processors with STE capability.
This tool is designed to duplicate the functions of the STE Plug-in command line form to enable generating STE settings files with scripts.
Example command line:
makeste -inxml sdr.xml -output 720p -outini sdr_1280x720.ini
Note: The STE Wizard (STEW) has a separate command line tool - the User Guide can be found here.
Command line parameters
-inxml <filename>
Read STE parameters from the XML file. The file format is the same as the files created by the STE Plug-in 'Save Config' button. If used, this parameter should be first so it does not override other command line parameters. BLOB data in the XML file is ignored; this is only loading the parameters (the 'Plugin' section of the file).
-outbin <filename>
Specify the the file name for the output binary file. If omitted, no binary file will be created.
-outini <filename>
Specify the the file name for the output INI file. If omitted, no INI file will be created.
-outxml <filename>
 Specify the the file name for the output XML file. If omitted, no XML file will be created.
The following parameters correspond to the parameters of the STE generator function, and the user inputs on the STE Plug-in.
The parameter names and choices generally follow the symbols in the libste.h file.
Integer parameters can be given in decimal, or hex with "0x" prefix.
Enum parameters can be given as symbols or integer values. The LIBSTE_ prefix of enum symbols is optional. For example: -orientation mirror
Parameters are not case-sensitive.
Width-height pairs can be combined. For example.
 -outputwidth 1280 -outputheight 720 can be done as -output 1280x720
 Also the values 720p, 800p, 960p, and 1080p are accepted.
Parameter Name      Value
-isptype                  <symbol>  One of:
-for                      alias of isptype
-isprev                   <symbol>  One of:
                            REV1 (etc.)
-ispinterface             <symbol>  One of:
-sensortype               <symbol>  One of:
-sensorrev                <symbol>  One of:
                            REV1 (etc.)
-sensorinterface          <symbol>  One of:
 -sensoroperationmode      <symbol>  One of:
-transformsource          <symbol>  One of:
-systemextfrequency       <floating-point MHz>
-inputfovwidth            <integer pixels>
-inputfovheight           <integer pixels>
-inputfov                 WIDTHxHEIGHT
-scaleroutputwidth        <integer pixels>
-scaleroutputheight       <integer pixels>
-scaleroutput             WIDTHxHEIGHT
-keeporiginaly            INT
-outputscan               <symbol>  One of:
-outputwidth              <integer pixels>
-outputheight             <integer pixels>
-output                   WIDTHxHEIGHT
-outputframerate          <floating-point>
-userlinelengthpck        <integer>
-userframelengthlines     <integer>
-linelengthpck            <integer>
-framelengthlines         <integer>
-outputaspect             <floating-point>
-outputpixel              <symbol>  One of:
-outputvblank             <integer>
-targetsysfrequency       <floating-point>
-networkusagepercent      <integer percentage>
-preferpll14tx            <integer>
-alignmode                <symbol>  One of:
-oneshotstat              <integer>
-skipreadmode             <integer>
-skipcrossbar             <integer>
-lenscenterh              <integer pixels>
-lenscenterv              <integer pixels>
-rotatedegrees            <floating-point>
-pandegrees               <floating-point>
-tiltdegrees              <floating-point>
-rotate                   <floating-point>
-pan                      <floating-point>
-tilt                     <floating-point>
-zoom                     <floating-point>
-orientation              <symbol>  One of:
-physicalheightaboveroad  <floating-point meters>
-virtualheightaboveroad   <floating-point meters>
-virtualdistance          <floating-point meters>
-incline                  <floating-point>
-slope                    <floating-point>
-virtualoffset            <floating-point>
-virtualoffsetx           <floating-point>
-virtualoffsety           <floating-point>
-triptychleftdegrees      <floating-point>
-triptychlefttopx         <integer pixels>
-triptychleftbottomx      <integer pixels>
-triptychrightdegrees     <floating-point>
-triptychrighttopx        <integer pixels>
-triptychrightbottomx     <integer pixels>
-triptychlinewidth        <integer pixels>
-blackbarleft             <integer pixels>
-blackbarright            <integer pixels>
-compressionlevel         <symbol>  One of:
-lensparam  This can be a file name, or a list
              of values, for example