Sbl User Guide

Sbl User Guide

Descriptions - sbl.exe

Sbl.exe evaluates the overall quality and effectiveness of the lens shading correction tool. It takes raw Bayer images, and summarizes the residual color shading.
This program can be run from the command line or by its icon. If there are no command line parameters it will put up file selection dialogs so you can select the input file(s) and the output file. Any number of input files may be selected.
Please refer to the LensCalib.exe program descriptions for more information.

Command line parameters

If run from the command line, the following parameters are recognized:

-input <filenames or wildcards>
Specify the input image file or files. Any number of files may be specified. You can use wildcards (like *.raw).

-output <filename>
Specify the filename for the color shading reports. The output is a plain text file of comma-separated data. Normally it should end in .csv. It can be loaded into Excel for easiest viewing.

-black <pedestal>
Specify the black pedestal of the image. This is important to get the correct results. The value should be consistent with the depth of the image. Normally it would be 10 for 8-bit data, 42 for 10-bit data or 168 for 12-bit data. In some cases the output of an SOC has black pedestal of 0.

-bayer <pattern>
Specify the Bayer pattern. The default is Gr-R/Gb-B. Possible values for the pattern parameter are:

  • gr : Gr is first
  • r (or rg) : R is first
  • gb : Gb is first
  • b (or bg) : B is first

If black and Bayer values are in the input file, it is not necessary to specify them on the command line.

Use CPIQ Color Uniformity formula.

This message.