RGB-IR Processing Settings Plug-in

RGB-IR Processing Settings Plug-in

This plug-in allows access to the various settings for RGB-IR processing. The following describes the various settings, and the associated STATE commands.

IR Separation Matrix (STATE = RGBIR CCN)

The most important setting is the IR Separation Matrix. This matrix is usually generated by the SensorTune application via the “IR Separation Matrix Calculation” tab, using the sensor’s data for “Dual-Band IR Filter Transmittance Data” and “IR QE Sensitivity Data”.
SensorTune outputs the matrix as an INI file as “STATE = RGBIR CCN,” followed by the space-separated 16 floating point values. This can be merged in to an existing INI file to set the plug-in matrix.

CCN is a 4x4 matrix that works like a color correction matrix, except there are four channels, R, G, B, IR, and the matrix is only intended to remove the IR intrusion into the visible light channels, and the visible light intrusion into the IR channel. For each pixel:
[RGBI_out] = [CCN] [RGBI_in]

The plug-in does allow for manual adjustment of any of the 4x4 matrix entries.

Enable RGB-IR Image Processing (STATE = RGBIR Linearized HDR)

Use Enable RGB-IR Image Processing to enable/disable RGB-IR Processing.
Note: if “Current Subimage” is set to PostView, then processing will occur when this is disabled.

Noise Removal (STATE = RGBIR Denoise)

Noise Removal, when disabled, will substantially increase the frame rate. This will cause some image quality loss, but you can judge the trade-off.

Saturated Pixel Threshold (STATE = RGBIR Sat Pixel Threshold)

Saturated Pixel Threshold sets the % of saturation where the pixel will be ignored.
The plug-in skips the CCN processing where pixels are close to saturation.
You can avoid it by setting the saturated pixel threshold to 100 so all pixels are included in CCN processing.

A value of 101 is needed if you want to treat all pixels as non-"saturated". 100 still treats fully saturated pixels as "saturated". ("Saturated" pixels don't get the CCN matrix step.)

Indicate Saturated Pixels (STATE = RGBIR Mask Overlay)

Indicate Saturated Pixels can enable a mask overlay of saturated and non-saturated pixels.
The pull-down values are self-explanatory, with STATE values of 0, 1, or 2 respectively.

Tuning Controls

There are four (4) tuning controls; yden_rel, yden_abs, Ish_str, Ishmax_rel.

Usage; TBD. Contact your Field Application Engineer for help with this.


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