Noksip User Guide

Noksip User Guide


Descriptions - noksip.exe

Noksip.exe is the ON Semiconductor implementation of Nokia's Standard Simple Image Processing Pipeline.

Command line parameters

-input <filename>
Specify the filename of an image file to load. Must be Bayer data.

-output <filename>
Specify the filename of the output RGB image. File format can be BMP or PNG, determined by the filename extension.

-rawwidth <n>
Specify the width of the raw image. This is optional, the tool can recognize standard image sizes automatically.

-rawheight <n>
Specify the height of the raw image. This is optional, the tool can recognize standard image sizes automatically.

-rawbpp <n>
Specify the bit depth of the raw image. If you specified rawwidth/rawheight you will probably need this too.

-cropleft <n>
Specify how many pixels to crop from the left side of the input image.

-croptop <n>
Specify how many pixels to crop from the top of the input image.

-cropwidth <n>
Specify the width of the cropped input image.

-cropheight <n>
Specify the height of the cropped input image.

-bayer <pattern>
Bayer pattern of the cropped input image:

  • gr - Gr R Default
    • B Gb
  • r - R Gr
    • Gb B
  • b - B Gb
    • Gr R
  • gb - Gb B
    • R Gr

-black <n> (or -pedestal)
Specify the black level of the input image. Default is 42 for 10-bit Bayer.

Number of edge pixels to crop in demosaic stage. Must be even.
Default is 2, in which case the output image will be four pixels smaller in width and height.

-awb <n>
Specify whether to run the white balance algoritmm. If <n> = 0, then don't do white balance. If <n> = 1 then do white balance. Default is 1.

-ccm "<9 floats>"
Specify color correction matrix in row major order. The quotes are required. Default is "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1" (I matrix).

-ccmfile <filename>
Specify a file containing the color correction matrix. The file should just list the numbers in row major order. Comments can be after the numbers.

-contrast <n>
Specify whether to do the contrast enhancement stage. If <n> = 0 then don't do contrast. If <n> = 1 then do contrast enhacement. Default is 1.

-gamma <float>
Specify gamma value. Default is 2.2

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