RegRead / RegWrite / RegPoke Descriptions

RegRead / RegWrite / RegPoke Descriptions

Descriptions - RegRead.exe

RegRead is a stand-a-lone console application for user to read an individual register value. User needs to input register's SHIP address, register address, number of address bits and number of data bits.

The program reads the register value through I2C access and print the value on the console output screen.



  • RegRead 184 16 200 8

Descriptions - RegWrite.exe

RegWrite is a stand-a-lone console application for user to write value to an individual register. User needs to input register's SHIP address, register address, number of address bits number of data bits and the value to write.

The program writes the values through I2C to the specific register user defined and print the value on the console output screen.



  • RegWrite 184 16 200 8 15

Descriptions - RegPoke.exe

RegPoke is a stand-a-lone windows application for user to read/write value from/to an individual register.

User needs to input register's SHIP address, register address, number of address bits number of data bits and the value to write.

The program reads/writes the values through I2C to the specific register user defined and print the value on the edit-box.

User can type the read/write value or toggle the bits select-boxes. Figure 1 shows the RegPoke.exe GUI.

Figure 1. The RegPoke GUI

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