Field_wr User Guide

Field_wr User Guide

Descriptions - field_wr.exe

Field_wr.exe translates the DevWare INI file and register dump file commands from REG=..., BITFIELD=..., etc. to FIELD_WR=... commands, or vice-versa. In other words, translates from numerical register addresses to register names, as defined in the .sdat file.

Command line parameters

-input <filename>
The filename of the input INI or txt file. If not given, defaults to stdin.

-output <filename>
The filename of the output INI or txt file. If not given, defaults to stdout.

-sdat <filename>
The filename of the sensor data (.sdat) file that defines all the register names. It is not necessary to specify the full path, the program automatically searches the Aptina Imaging directory. If not given, the input file is searched for an sdat filename.

Translate FIELD_WR commands to REG commands. Default is off.

Same as -2reg, but translates only confidential registers and bitfields.
This AE/FAE internal to external conversion option is to be run before an INI file is checked-in to the WIP repository to ensure that all confidential Registers and Bitfields are converted to REG= and BITFIELD=; otherwise, the INI file wouldn't work with the external SDAT file.
This assumes the use of the internal SDAT file; if unsure, use the –sdat parameter. Default is off.

Translate REG commands to FIELD_WR commands. (Default behavior.)

Split each register into its component bitfields. Only for REG->FIELD_WR translation. Default is off.

Search the input INI file for cases of Register or bit-field Overwrite Errors and Warnings.
Output file preface all Error and Warning lines with !!!.
Required parameters are: -input -output -sdat -overwrite
Output will display Error and Warning lines.

Show each line that was converted. Default is off.