Ini_2_C User Guide

Ini_2_C User Guide

Descriptions - ini_2_c.exe

The Ini_2_C tool is used to translate an INI file into C header file, C code blocks, or binary configuration as required by the Flex_Config tool. It replaces symbolic register/firmware variable/Special Function Register/MCU Memory with register addresses/bit values.

The Ini_2_C is a command line tool for both Microsoft Windows and Linux. It has no GUI interface.

  • Usage: ini_2_c [options] –input <ini file name> -output <C filename> -format <C|H|BIN> -sdat <SDAT file name> [ -preset <Preset name> ] [ -sip_addr <DEVICE_I2C_ADDR>]
  • Usage: ini_2_c -help


  • ini_2_c -verbose –input AR0833-REV1.ini -output AR0833-REV1.c -format C -sdat AR0833-REV1.xsdat

Example for binary output

  • ini_2_c -verbose –input AR0833-REV1.ini -output AR0833-REV1.c -format BIN -sdat AR0833-REV1.xsdat -preset "Demo Initialzation" -sip_addr 0x6c

Command line parameters

-input <ini file name >
Specify the input ini file.

-output <C/H/Binary filename>
Specify the filename for the C output file. The next parameter will control if output is header file format or code block format. If not given, default is stdout.

-sdat < sdat or .xsdat file name >
Specify the sdat/xsdat files input. If this file is missing, the program will stop.

-format <C/H>
The output format, either H (header) format or C (source code) format, default is H format.

The output format is also adjusted by the platform switch.

-platform <FULL, MRVL, MTK, QRD, ROCK, SPRD, WIN >
  Platform adjusted output fields, default is FULL.
  Full Header format: {op, data width/bit, address space, reg address, bit mask, value).
  Full C Source code format: function(data width/bit, address space, reg address, bit mask, value).
  Spreadtrum Header format: {reg address,  value} (write only).
  Spreadtrum C Source code format: function(reg address, value).
  Qualcomm Header format: {reg address, value, mask} (write only).
  Qualcomm C Source code format: function(reg address, value, mask).
  Qualcomm mask can be omitted.
  Marvell Header format: {reg address, value, 1 or 2 bytes} (write only).
  Marvell C Source code format: function(reg address, value, 1 or 2 bytes).
  MTK Header format: {reg address, value, 1 or 2 bytes} (write only).
  MTK C Source code format: function(reg address, value, 1 or 2 bytes).
  Rockchip Header format: {8 or 16 bits, reg address, value} (write only).
  ROckchip C Source code format: function(8 or 16 bits, reg address, value).
  Windows Header format: {reg address, value, Length, Delay} (write only).
  Windows C Source code format: function(reg address, value, Length, Delay).

The program will output excessive message to output, including all presets and line inforamtion. Default is not to output debuging messages.

-preset <Preset Name>

The program will convert only the entered preset into binary file. This option has no effect on the C and H outputs. Default is "Demo Initialization".

-sip_addr <I2C_ADDR>

The program adds the sip_addr to the binary configuration. This is a compulsory input parameter when binary output is required. Default is 0x6C.

Gives usage of the tool.




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