sdat_to_xsdat User Guide

sdat_to_xsdat User Guide

Descriptions - sdat_to_xsdat.pl

The Perl script sdat_to_xsdat.pl converts an .sdat file to .xsdat XML file format.
Note that Perl must be installed separately from DevSuite; one source is www.perl.org.

  • Usage: sdat_to_xsdat –i <.sdat filename> -o <.xsdat filename>
  • Usage: sdat_to_xsdat -h

Simple example:

  • sdat_to_xsdat –I MT9J001-REV1.sdat –o MT9J001-REV1.xsdat

Command line parameters

-i <.sdat filename>
Specify the .sdat file name to be converted. This parameter is required.

-o <.xsdat filename>
Specify the .xsdat file name to store the conversion result. This parameter is required.


Display usage information. The –i and –o parameters, if supplied, are ignored and no conversion takes place.