Decompanding Dialog

Decompanding Dialog

Decompanding Dialog
The Decompanding Dialog can be used to set the decompanding table in the DevWareX software. This dialog can be used with RAW files to decompand the data, or with certain sensors where users requested to be able to override the table. When used with a sensor, this dialog does not affect the sensor settings, just the software decompanding.

  • The table is only used when Companding is selected on the Decompress dialog.
  • This dialog is only available for a few sensors, based on request.

1. How to load the Companding Tables
From the "Commonly used commanding tables" as shown below, user can select from a list of tables to decompand the data.
When "custom" companding table is selected, user can choose the Companded Depth and the Original Depth and edit the Knee Points. The bit depth and the knee points will be grayed out when a Legacy table is selected.


  • After all the parameters are entered, user has to select "Apply" for the selection or settings to take effect on the image.
  • Although user can set any values as desire in the custom table, enter valid value that the sensor support, they need to reference the development guide of the sensor.

The table can be loaded from an ini file. Example syntax:
STATE= Companding, 12 [512 1024 2048 2080 2144 2272 2528 3040 3104 3232 3488 4000] 20 [512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048575]

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