Multiple Context and VC

Multiple Context and VC

Multiple Context


The Context Switch Display in DevWareX is implemented to support multiple contexts display of a sensor

in different tabs or sub-windows, the images in different contexts are cycling frame by frame, as to enable image analysis tools for these contexts individually.


1. Supported Sensors

The feature support most of the “Automotive” Bayer sensors and some “X-Class” sensors that can activate multiple contexts display at one time. The typical registers bits that indicates this ability are having the CONTEXT_MULTI_NUM, CONTEXT_MULTI, CONTEXT_MULTI_SYNC_MODE and CONTEXT MULTI_CYCLE_MODE in the registers bit-fields.


Note: Registers names may be different for each sensor.

2. INI File Requirements

To enable the multiple contexts to cycle on the display images, INI file presets are required, user should consult the Application Engineer to get the specific settings for each sensor.

an example of setting up to start 2 contexts cycling can be as follow:

[Start Auto Cycling 2 Contexts]





Appropriate PLL and Timings presets for the contexts may also require to have proper images display.


3. Options to watch the display of multiple context

Once the Context switch/cycling is enabled, from the Menu “Windows”, options to watch the images is available as seen in the following snapshot.

- Tab View will allow user to watch the image in each tab as selected.

- Sub-Window view will allow user to view each context in a separated sub-window

- Tiles sub-Windows allows user to view the images or sub windows of multiple contexts tiled in one screen.


4. Control Dialogs

Sensor control dialogs for color processing that has “Context 0/1/…” radio buttons can support adjustment of parameters for each context.

5. Grab and Record Toolbars for Multiple Context

Toolbars that have the pull-down menu for multiple context such as “Grab”, “Record”, can support operations for each context.


Grab Toolbar

  • To grab images for multiple contexts, user can select “Grab” button.

  • Note: the “Total Frames” should be set up as more than one in the “Image Grab” dialog, to get desirable number of files for multiple contexts, for example, 2, 3, or more images for 2 contexts

  • To capture image for only one context, user should press the arrow next the “Grab” button and select the desire context.


Record Toolbar

  • For video recording, user can select the “Record” with the set up in the “Video Record” dialog

  • Uncheck the “Contexts in separate files” for multiple contexts recorded in one RAW video. Note: only RAW format is supported for multiple context video record in one file.

  • To record multiple contexts in multiple video files, checked the “Contexts in separate files”, video files will be saved in multiple files with names containing _C0, _C1 and so forth for different contexts.


Multiple MIPI VC


The Multiple MIPI Virtual Channel (VC) Display in DevWareX is implemented to support multiple MIPI VC display of a sensor in different tabs or sub-windows, the images in different channels are cycling frame by frame, as to enable image analysis tools for these channels individually.


For sensors that support this feature, consult the Application Engineer


Enable of Multiple VC

To enable the multiple VC on the display images, INI file presets are required, user should consult the Application Engineer to get the specific settings for each sensor.

One of the examples such as below can lead to the display of sensor images in multiple MIPI VC

[Enable Virtual Channel with padding rows]

BITFIELD= 0x3F18, 0x4000, 1 //MIPI_JPEG_PN9_DATA_TYPE::MIPI_DATA_TYPE_JPEG8, Enable Virtual Channel



REG= 0x3F7E, 0x0002 //ECO_REGISTER2


Display of Multiple MIPI VC

Once the multiple VC is enabled, from the toolbar “Windows”, options to watch the images is available as seen in the following screenshot.

  1. Grab and Record Toolbars for Multiple MIPI VC

  2. Toolbar to Grab image is the same as a regular single image window, when user select the “Grab” button, DevWareX will capture image in different VC. In the example of above, the captured files saved with “-t1” and “-t2” in the file name, see the image of grab options screenshot below



Toolbar to Record video is the same as a regular single image window, when user select the “Record” button, DevWareX will record multiple videos in different VC. In the example of above, the video files saved with “-t1” and “-t2” in the file name.

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