HDR Exposure Dialog

HDR Exposure Dialog

HDR Exposure Dialog

HDR Exposure Dialog
The HDR Exposure Dialog can be used to set the exposure controls for T1, T2, T3 and T4 frames when sensor is set to HDR mode.
1. Exposure Modes
The Exposure Modes list box indicates the current exposure mode; it can be a non HDR mode "Linear" or 2 Exposures, 3 Exposures or 4 Exposures HDR modes.
Note: Although user can set desire exposure modes using this list box, to produce an streaming image will need to combine with other parameters setting.
2. Exposure Ratio
The Exposure/Ratio allows user to set the exposure ratio of the T1/T2, T2/T3, and T3/T4, from "1X" to "128X", which is essential for calculation of exposure time for each frame.
"Actual Ratio" in the dialog reflects the result ratio that calculated.

  • Adjusting the exposure ratio may not have obvious effect on an image with combined frames.
  • Enabling the "Set Exposure Time Individually" will eliminate the use of exposure ratio in exposure time calculation, details can be found in the Development Guide of each supported sensor.
  • The “Actual Ratio” in the dialog is reading the value of the registers from which contain the actual ratio calculated by the sensor, like rratio_actual_t1_t2 in AR0231AT, because every sensor may have different name or name may change in the future, so the document has not specified this.
  • The "Requested ratio" will set the value in the registers like, Exposure_ratio_T1_T2 in AR0231AT. Because there could be different limitation/situations during exposure ratio calculations, so the actual ratio may not match the requested ratio at some point. For details of exposure ratio, please check out the development guide of the sensor that need to work on.

3. DCG
DCG checkboxes in the dialog allow user to set the Dual Conversion Gain for each frame, if checked, DCG is set to high, and low if unchecked.
4. Barrier
User can use the Barrier spin boxes to set the clipping barrier for each exposure frames. These barrier settings are used in the configuration when DLO (Digital Lateral Overflow) algorithm is enabled.
For recommended barrier values, please reference the Development Guide of each supported sensor.
5. Bypass
Set the display image to bypass other exposure frames, for e.g. in HDR 3 exposures mode, enable T1 Bypass, will bypass other exposure frames except T1.
6. Set Exposure Times Individually
Enable/disable setting the exposure time of each frame individually for T1, T2, T3 and T4.
By checking this box, user can use the slider below it to adjust the exposure times from dark to bright as desire.
7. Context A/B
Selecting Context A or B button will let the user set the settings in the dialog for that context.

HDR Gains Dialog
The HDR Gains Dialog allows user to set the HDR gain and exposure time of T1, T2 and T3 frames when sensor is in HDR mode.
1. Set Gains Individually
Enable/disable setting analog gain of each frame individually for T1, T2 and T3.
By checking this box, user can use the slider below it to adjust the gains as desire.
Note: This setting is not available when Software Auto Exposure is enabled.
2. DCG
DCG checkboxes in the dialog allow user to set the Dual Conversion Gain for each frame, if checked, DCG is set to high, and low if unchecked.
3. Set Exposure Times Individually
Enable/disable setting the exposure time of each frame individually for T1, T2 and T3.
By checking this box, user can adjust the exposure times for each exposure frame as desire.

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