Triggers Dialog

Triggers Dialog

Triggers Dialog
The Trigger dialog in DevWareX is provided for user to configure the controls in the Demo3 when the sensor is in trigger mode.
Note: Sensor has to set to trigger mode if user want to see the effect on the image with these controls; for how to enable trigger mode, reference the development guide of each supported sensor.
1. Pins Buttons
The Pins radio buttons on the top of the dialog shown below allows user to select different GPIO pins to be used with each trigger.
2. Trigger diagram
The Trigger diagram in the dialog displays the simulation of the output sequence of the trigger mode in one frame. It shows the exposure time, the trigger pulse width and the GPIO pin that assocates with each trigger.

3. Trigger Frames Control
The Frames list box allow the user to select the number of frames that run in trigger mode, the user can either continuously run the trigger or choose a specific number of frames to trigger.
4. Start/Stop Trigger button
The Start button is used to start the trigger and Stop button to stop the trigger that started.
Note: When a trigger has started, all the controls are grayed out and cannot be set.
5. Trigger Frequency
User can use Trigger Frequency spin box to set the desire trigger frequency per second. The slider below the box can also be used to set the frequency instead.
Note: User can usually see frame rate being affected by the trigger frequency changes.
6. Preserved Duty Cycle
Enable the Preserved Duty Cycle checkbox will preserve the ratio of trigger pulse width to the trigger frequency. Disable it will leave the trigger pulse width intact regardless of the trigger frequency change.
7. Trigger Controls
Enabled checkbox as shown in the figure below, enables the trigger of each selected trigger.

Note: Trigger0 need to be enabled in order for the rest of the Trigger mode to work.
The Trigger0/1/2 High (ms) spin boxes let the user to specify the width of the trigger pulse for each selected trigger. Besides the spin boxes, user can also use the slider below each selected trigger to adjust the width.
The Inverted check box set the selected trigger to use inverted pulse.

External Trigger Dialog
The External Trigger dialog as shown below in DevWareX is provided for user to configure the controls of trigger modes for X-Class sensors.

1. Trigger Mode
The Trigger Mode spin box allows the user to select different trigger modes, Non-trigger (normal exposure with no trigger), Master Trigger (trigger mode with registers controlling the integration time) or Slave Trigger (integration time is controlled by external pin).
2. Trigger Rate (frame rate) ms
This spin box set the Trigger rate or frequency per second.
3. Slave Mode Exposure Time
This set the trigger exposure time in ms when sensor is in Slave Trigger mode.
Note: After user input the valid values for the above (2 and 3), "Apply" button is available to be selected, and pressing it will start the Trigger.
4. Override button
When Trigger time set in "Slave Mode Exposure Time" is too low for the frame time, it is not a valid case, "Override" button will be available, user can press it to run the trigger anyway (mainly for debug purpose).
5. Trigger Frames Control
The Frames list box allow the user to select the number of frames that run in trigger mode, the user can either continuously run the trigger or choose a specific number of frames to trigger.
6. Start/Stop Trigger button
The Start button is used to start the trigger and Stop button to stop the trigger that started.

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