IQTool CCM calculator

IQTool CCM calculator

This tab enables the creation of CCM data for non-RGB images. Enabled for all sensors but assumed they support one of the support CFAs of RGGB, RCCG, RCCB, RYYB, and RYYCy.

Very simple to use - here’s an example for AR0820-REV2 for RCCG.

  1. Run SensorTune, click Start. There is no need to connect a camera.

  2. Manually select the sensor / revision (AR0820AT / REV2 in this example), and Next.

  3. Select "IQTool CCM Calculator" Radio button, and Start.

    1. Wait until the Red warning about Matlab library loading disappears.

  4. For "Quantum Efficiency Data", navigate to “C:\Aptina Imaging\bin\CCMTools\QE_Files” and select the sensor / revision / CFA file (“AR0820_RCCG_Rev2” in this example).

    1. You can also use your own QE data, but you must make sure that data format is the same as the files in this folder.

  5. For “Lens/Filter Transmission Data” ", navigate to “C:\Aptina Imaging\bin\CCMTools\filters” and select a file (“LCE LC062” in this RCCG example).

    1. You can also use your own filter transmission data, but you must make sure that data format is the same as the files in this folder.

  6. The “Calculate” button then turn Green.

  7. Select Illuminate, CIE-D65, for example.

  8. For chart, keep the default of “96-patch Digital Color-Checker”.

  9. For "CFA Type", select the type needed ("RCCG" in this example).

  10. Click “Calculate”

  11. When calculation is completed, click “Save” and select “New INI file”.