ICP-HD sensor tuning produces the .xml files which can be used to configure ICP-HD chip. Currently only ICP-HD(ICP1) is supported. The tuning system consists of two steps.
- Lens Shading Correction
- Auto White Balance and Color Correction
Loading tuning project
Each tuning project is organized in the configuration file. Later sections will discuss how the configurations files are constructed.
Under Settings, user can use Open button to browse and load a configuration file. The currently loaded configuration file will be available in "Tooltip" of the ICPHD Calibration Window as shown.
The currently used configuration settings can be saved or saved as new file.
Output Paths
All the outputs (LSC Profile, AWB Profile and Output XMLs) will be located in Base Path. Output XMLs are configured in Configuration files and they are not editable. Base Path can be changed by using the Change button or by dragging and dropping a folder from Windows File Explorer.
Lens Shading Correction
Enter lens shading corretion images in each color temperature group by:
- Dragging and dropping from file explorer(multi selection is allowed)
- Loading through file browser dialog (multiselection is allowed)
- Capturing through DevWare (Make sure that Devware is launched and streaming in raw bayer formats
- Use to remove the files.
- Enter the color temperature label to be shown in .PROF file.
- Enter the measured color temperature during the image capture at drop-down menus.
- are available to define other necessary inputs. Some of them would be pre-filled by the configuration file loaded. CCRfile will include default information as part of header file. For other formats, you will need to specify bayer pattern etc
. - User can use to process Len Shading Correction separately or continue to fill up inputs for AWB/CCM section and use to process both LSC and AWB/CCM.
- After processing is done, the result for each input image can be viewed by checking the Apply Lens Shading Correction and double click on the file path to be viewed.
AWB and Color Correction Matrix
AWB/CCM process needs outputs from Len Shading Correction as inputs. Therefore, proceed with AWB/CCM only after lens shading correction outputs are acquired.
- Enter color chart SG images (140) patches to each color profile (at least 2 profile is needed.) (D65/D50 and Horizon/Tungsten), in similar ways as in Len Shading Correction.
- Show markers will show the patch boundaries. Adjust the corners so that boundary will snap on patch regions of interest. Crop image will capture the selection for the input image. You would notice the background color of the image path will turn green once regions are captured. (Sensor Tune does not check the correctness of region selection).
- Right Click Context Menu as shown will allow users to reset the selection or Configure the marker display options.
- Process will generate CCM files for given user inputs and merge into PROF file under process. Alternatively, user can use to process both Len Shading Correction and AWB/CCM.
- Users can review the results by checking Apply Color Correction and doublic clicking on the image path.
Programming into EEPROM
After finishing all tuning processes, user can connect to Demo Camera and use to program the relevant tuning results into EEPROM. Tuning result XML files can be viewed in Outputs as well. By using , user can run the tuning process and EEPROM programming in the same sequence.
Configuration File
Configuration file can be any text file. It usually ends with .cfg extension. The configuration file may have other sections unrelated to ICP-HD Sensor Tune. The two sections related to ICP-HD are [LSC] and [Prof2Xml]. Please be aware that the parameters are case sensitive. It would be convenient to copy the example Configuration file as shown below and edit accordingly.
The absence of any parameter in this section will be assumed that default parameters will be applied. For example, if there is no "BitDepth" parameter, default of "10" will be applied. The changes in More options if LSC tuning will be saved in the Configuration File.
This section defines the prof2xml input parameters. Please avoid the use of backward slash for paths.[MI_HOME] can be used to denote the DevWare installed directory. The number of "MetaFiles" and "ProfileFiles" can be variable and array-like configuration is used. "SystemProfiles" is used to configure different system variations such as Parallel, MIPI, HISPI etc. Please take note that "output" is file name only. This section is not applicable to "Save" and "Save as" configuration files. Therefore, this section needs to be manually edited.
[LSC] BMP=true GreenBalance=true RawOutput=true WhiteBalance=true Bayer=GR FallOff=1 LscShift=2 BitDepth=10 BlackLevel=168 Border=4 CalibrationSize\X=320 CalibrationSize\Y=240 InverseInterpolation\m=1 InverseInterpolation\n=1 IterationNumber=0 KernelSize=0 Sigma=0 StartStepNumber=0.5 StepNumber=100 [Prof2Xml] HighPriorityPatchPath=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/fw/icop_patch_hp_rel_33_mt9e013_7017.bin LowPriorityPatchPath=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/fw/icop_patch_lp_rel_33_mt9e013_7017.bin MetaFiles\size=4 MetaFiles\1\path=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/fw/advanced_tapeout_feb10.meta MetaFiles\2\path=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/fw/basic.meta MetaFiles\3\path=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/fw/memory_map.meta MetaFiles\4\path=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/fw/memory_map_tapeout_feb10.meta ProfileFiles\size=3 ProfileFiles\1\path=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/profiles/calib_edof.prof ProfileFiles\2\path=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/profiles/calib_add.prof ProfileFiles\3\path=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/profiles/tuning_default.prof SystemProfiles\size=3 SystemProfiles\1\input=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/profiles/sys_mt9e013_parallel.prof SystemProfiles\1\output=sys_mt9e013_parallel.xml SystemProfiles\2\input=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/profiles/sys_mt9e013_parallel_rev3.prof SystemProfiles\2\output=sys_mt9e013_parallel_rev3.xml SystemProfiles\3\input=[MI_HOME]/apps/ICPtoolSets/profiles/sys_mt9e013_mipi.prof SystemProfiles\3\output=sys_mt9e013_mipi.xml