DevSuite Installation Package
DevSuite Installation Package
Installation of an Aptina Imaging Demo Camera includes a variety of tools, samples, and support documents. The following is a list of the various folders created in C:\Program Files\Aptina Imaging:
- apps - applications to assist in configuration of sensors and evaluation of images
- apps_data - Sensor .INI files
- board_data - Demo board data files
- capture - Storage location for images and video captured by DevWare
- doc - Documents, schematics, and BOM's
- drivers - USB drivers by OS
- firmware - Demo board firmware files
- flashtool - Flash Configuration tool for the A-0356SOC (MT9V126) sensor (optional)
- fpga - Demo board FPGA files
- imageformats - library files used in image formatting
- include - Include files for imaging applications
- lib - Aptina Imaging Library (midlib) files
- Plugins - DevWare plug-in files
- samples - Sample imaging applications and guides
- sensor_data - Sensor data (.SDAT) files
The following folders are available on the "Start" menu. Follow the directions below to access:
- Doc - Start -> Programs -> Aptina Imaging -> Docs
- Contains help files, manuals, developer guides, API specifications, schematics, etc.
- SDK - Start -> Programs -> Aptina Imaging -> SDK
- Contains guides and sample applications to assist users in developing their own imaging applications.
- Tools - Start -> Programs -> Aptina Imaging -> Tools
- Contains assorted support tools for imaging sensors.