Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The toolbar is displayed across the top of the application window, below the menu bar. The toolbar provides quick access to many tools used in DevWareX.
To hide or display the Toolbar, choose Toolbar from the View menu (ALT-V, T).

DetectDetect Devices - same action as "File→Detect Devices".  Find all sensors attached to the PC.


Open or close the Info Dialog. The Info Dialog(See 2.2.5) contains an information window, Display Format choices and the current Mouse Selection choice.

 <F2> or <Ctrl-I>


Open or close the Sensor Control Dialog(See 2.2.4). This set of pages gives access to a variety of image sensor registers through a user friendly interface.

 <F3> or <Ctrl-S>


Open or close the Preset Dialog(See 2.2.6). This dialog can be used to load or save the current state of the sensors (registers and color pipe settings).



Open or close the Register Dialog(See 2.2.7). The Register Dialog allows the user to read and write registers on the image sensor.

 <F4> or <Ctrl-R>

WarnOpen or close the Register Overwrite Dialog.  User Guide is here.


Open or close the Register Log Dialog(See 2.2.8). This dialog logs sensor register writes.



Open or close the Analysis Dialog(See 2.2.9). The Analysis Dialog displays a graphical interpretation of a selected area of the display.



Open or close the Magnifying Glass(See 2.2.10).  Allows user to magnify a section of the display window.


Opens the Image Navigation(See 2.2.11) window.  Useful for navigating an image whose output size is larger than display area.


Opens the Watch Dialog(See 2.2.13) that allows the user to monitor volatile registers by re-reading them at a set time period.


Opens the Options Dialog(See 2.2.15).


Start displaying the image stream.


Pause the image stream.


Stop displaying the image stream.


(Soft) Reset the sensor to the power-on-defaults. This option loads the [reset] section from the appropriate .ini file.
Note: After resetting the sensor the user should re-load the default register settings by clicking the 'Init' button on the toolbar.


Load the initialization register settings for the sensor. The register settings can be found in the [Demo Initialization] section from the appropriate .ini file.

Full Auto

Enable the default software color processing options.
Note: For Bayer sensors only.


Toggle the sensor between Preview (viewfinder), snapshot mode, and for sensors that support it video mode via a pull-down.
Note: Typically not supported for VGA size and smaller sensors.


Capture the displayed sensor image to hard disk or cancel an image capture.


LockFor sensors that support it,  simulates half-press of a camera shutter to lock auto-functions such as AE, AWB, and Auto Focus.


Capture the "full resolution" image to hard disk or cancel an image capture.
For sensors that support them, there is a pull-down where features such as SnapShot-and-lock, Zero shutter lag, and Snapshot Over Video can be demonstrated



Records the image stream to hard disk.
Note: The video is uncompressed and will take significant hard disk space. This mode is for characterization only.

A Power-Point remote clicker's page-down and page-up buttons can be to start/stop recording when the PC is equipped with the IR interface.

 <F8> or

page-down = record start

page-up =
record stop


Zoom in on the displayed image.
Note: Zooming beyond 2x might not be supported by your graphics adapter and could lead to image artifacts and potentially to program instability.



Zoom out on the displayed image.



Displays the image in a full screen mode. This feature supports the following standard display modes:
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200 and 2048x1536
If the image from the sensor is not one of these sizes, the full screen mode will use the next larger size and fill in the extra area with black pixels. If the image is larger than the maximum size supported by the display device, it will shrink the image to fit. To return back to windowed mode, hit any key or click the mouse.



Generates a bug report that collects information directly related to the camera setup which is useful for debugging.


Opens the ON Semiconductor homepage ( in your browser.


2.2.3 Display

Image RemovedImage Added
This area is where the sensor images are displayed.
If an image is not displayed here (when expected), please refer to the troubleshooting(See 2.2.17) pages.


Images and Videos can be loaded for viewing, either by drag-and-drop method, or via the "File" menu via "Open Image or Video File".
Most image and video types can be viewed, including 32-bit BMP file format. See the Sensor Control dialogs of "Image Save Options" and "Video Record" for specifics.

Use the mouse wheel to zoom in, including to the maximum zoom level to see each pixel value:

Image Added

2.2.4 Control Dialog (Sensor Control)


The version of the Firmware code on the Demo board


The ON Semiconductor Imaging sensor being used (only appears if value is different than "Part Number").

Part numberNumber

The ON Semiconductor part number for this sensor.

FamilyWill appear when a sensor is a member of a "family" of sensors (e.g., Hyperlux).

Sensor version

The version of the image sensor.

Sensor type

Either 'Bayer' or 'SOC' sensor.

Die Temp.Die Temperature.
InterfaceSensor output type; Parallel, MIPI, HiSpi, etc.


Build name

The version and type of build (either Release or Beta).

Build version

The full version number ( of the DevWare DevWareX application.

Build date

Date the software was compiled. (MM/DD/YYYY)

Demo Board:

Type of Demo board being used (for example: DEMO2X or DEMO3).
Note: The FW version and FPGA version is displayed in parentheses.


Input ClockThe sensor's input clock (in MHz).

Array Clock

The oscillator frequency being used (in MHz).
Note: This value can be modified by the user through the Options Dialog(See 2.2.15).

Pixel Output Clock

The pixel clock output as calculated by DevWare DevWareX based on the specific configuration of the attached device.
It is intended to be the pixel rate at the sensor output.
DevWare DevWareX has different ways of deriving clocks from each other.  In most cases, array clock was derived from external clock, and then pixel clock was derived from array clock.

Array Clock is nominally the sensor array clock. It's the clock used to calculate row time, exposure time, etc.
Pixel Clock is PIXCLK for the parallel interface, or the pixel rate. There is also Input Clock which is the clock input to the sensor.

Normally, the clock rates are re-measured when a PLL register is changed. Depending on the demo kit configuration, it may not be possible to measure the clocks from software. Demo2X can measure PIXCLK if the sensor is streaming in parallel mode. Demo3 can measure Input Clock if it is hooked up to the Demo3 clock sense line. Once one of the clocks is measured, the other two can be calculated from the PLL settings.

The clock speed on the Options dialog sets the Array Clock value (in case DevWare DevWareX can't measure it), and Pixel Clock and Input Clock will be automatically calculated according to the PLL settings.


The pixel width of the displayed sensor image.


The pixel height of the displayed sensor image.

FormatImage Type

The current sensor image format (for example 'YCbCr', 'Bayer 8', 'Bayer 10', etc.).

Size (bytes)Size of image data, in bytes.


A frame counter that gets increased for each displayed sensor image.

Dropped frames

Dropped frames are possible under the following circumstances:

  • The application couldn't determine the end-of-frame because of a change in the data flow (this is not a sensor issue).
  • The image data is sent faster then the computer can handle. This can happen on slower PC's/laptops or when other applications are slowing down the computer.
    To view the dropped (incomplete) frames regardless, go to the Options Dialog(See 2.2.15) and enable 'Debug Mode (show dropped frames)'.

FPS (Sensor)

The computed number of Frames Per Second that the sensor is running at based on register settings and oscillator (see Clock above) value.
Note: SOC sensors dynamically change the frame rate for exposure purposes. To update the FPS number click the 'Refresh' button at the bottom of the main Sensor Control dialog(See 2.2.4).

FPS (Datalink)

The number of Frames Per Second that the camera sends to the host computer via USB (or other data link). This number can be influenced by the speed of the computer, or the host controller and drivers.

FPS (Display)

The number of Frames Per Second that are displayed on the computer. A camera frame is first converted from its native format (see above) to a 32bit RGB image and finally converted to the display adapter's resolution (preferably also 32 bit). Software image processing can slow down the display frame rate. The display frame rate is also affected by the host computer's display drivers. The Accelerated selection on the Options(See 2.2.15) dialog can help.

Cursor pos

The mouse cursor position when the mouse is over the display area. Expressed as a positive (width, height) value relative to the upper-right most pixel (0,0).

Raw Data

The unprocessed sensor data at the mouse cursor position. For SOC sensors the data is separated into Y, Cb, and Cr values. For Bayer sensors there is a single data value, with the Bayer color pattern position indicated in parentheses (R, Gr, Gb, or B).

R: Output

The value of the Red component of the displayed image at the mouse cursor position.

G: Output

The value of the Green component of the displayed image at the mouse cursor position.

B: Output

The value of the Blue component of the displayed image at the mouse cursor position.


 This dialog can be used to load or save the current state of the sensor registers and color pipe settings. This information is stored within an .ini file which is loaded for each version of the sensor. For example, the file for the MT9V112 REV3 AR0544CS-REV1 would be located in C:\Aptina Imaging\apps_data\MT9V112AR0544CS-REV3REV1.ini.

All sensors have a 'Demo Initialization' preset. Bayer Sensors typically have a 'Color Processing ON' and 'Color Processing OFF' Preset as well.
INI files are plain text and can be edited by the user.

To copy the name of a Preset, do a single-left-click of the Preset and then CTRL-C.

See the INI File Users 's Guide for more information about ini files and the command syntax.Save Options:
The Save Options sub-dialog allows software settings and/or specific groupings of registers to be saved.


Image Added

INI file and optional Initializer: Location of main INI file on first line, and optional location of Initializer file (for those sensors with separate Python-settings files).

Preset Actions: various actions available for the loaded INI file.

  • Open: open an additional INI file.  Same operation as available in "File / Open Additional Presets ..."
  • Edit: edit the INI file, using the edit application associated with ".ini" files.
  • Edit Initializer: edit the Initializer file (when present), using the edit application associated with ".py" files.
    • Note: notepad.exe will be used if no edit application is associated with ".py" files.
  • Reload: reread the INI file - to be used if "Edit" or "Edit Initializer" have modified their respective files.
  • Default: go back to the default INI file - the INI file associated with the loaded SDAT file.
  • Load: will load and run the Preset highlighted in the "Presets" window.
  • Rename: rename the selected Preset.
    • Note that the INI file is automatically saved, but does not need to be Reloaded.

Preset Name Search: enter search terms. Only preset names matching all terms will be shown.

Presets: displays all available Presets.  Note that Dialog Settings "Options..." can be used to show "Hidden" presets.

Dialog Settings: various settings that are available.

  • Warnings: Show the Register Overwrite Warnings dialog. Same operation as the "Warn" Toolbar.
    • This will check for accidental overwrite of OTPM-trimmed registers, or other inappropriate register values.
    • Checking this report should be part of the verification of any new mode presets.
  • Options...: show "Hidden" presets.
  • Guide: opens the on-line INI Users Guide.

2.2.7 Register Dialog


The Vectorscope graph shows the distribution of the chrominance signal in the selected area. You will need to aim the camera at a color reference chart.
NOTE: DevWare DevWareX only uses 8-bit output for Bayer Sensors by Default. To switch to 10-bit output, go to the 'Sensor Output' Bayer Image Sensor Control Pages (See


  • By right-clicking on a register (or bitfield) item in the Register dialog, then choosing "Add to Watch" from a popup menu.
  • By right-clicking on a register (or bitfield( item in the Log dialog, then choosing "Add to Watch" from a popup menu.
  • By using the Save/Load button to load a previously save watch list. DevWare DevWareX remembers your watch list when it exits and restores it when it starts up again.


Most fields have "Tool Tips" that can be scrolled-over for usage and INI file information.

Image Removed



Image Added

  • Display: selects the display format - for remote display of DevWareX select "No DirectX" and zoom increment.
  • Log FIle : enables various types of logging output, from DevWare DevWareX internal errors to USB traffic.
  • Sensor Base Address : allows the detected I2C address to be overridden or detectedWarning Dialogs: reset just the Warning Dialogs setting (re-enables them). Use "View→Warning Log" to see all warnings.
    • Detect Bad Frame Sequence: enable/disable the all-frame dropping warning message.
  • Debug Settings : enables debugging of displayed images.
    • Show Dropped Frames : very useful in displaying images that aren't in the expected format, or corrupted frames such as JPEG.
  • Sensor Output : allows the detected width/height/format to be overridden or detected.
  • Display : selects the display format - for remote display of DevWare select "No DirectX".
  • Miscellaneous : various settings that could be enabled or disables as seen in the figure above.Warning Dialogs : renables various warning messages that were disabled when their associated dialogs appearedseen in the figure above.
  • Reset All : resets all settings to their defaults.


When the program does not behave the way intended, or you experience problems that are not covered in the help files you may wish to file a bug report(See 2.2.18) .
Check to see if any of the following sections help with the problems you encounter.
I have problems starting the application and see one of the following warning message boxes:
Image RemovedImage Added
-> Check if the USB drivers are installed properly. Refer to the driver installation document under "Start>All Programs->Aptina Imaging->Docs->User Guides->USB Drivers User Guide".
--> Check if the cables are attached to the image sensor properly. If the image sensor worked before, unplug-and-plug the cables and try again.
Image RemovedImage Added
--> Check if the application is started from the same place that holds the sensor_data directory (holding the sensor data(See 4.5) files)
The application starts without errors, but there is no image:
--> Some register settings might lead to stop the sensor from sending valid data. Quit the application and reset the sensor by unplugging it and plugging it back in.
My frame rate is really low:
--> The amount of data that is being processed is quite significant or a lot of image processing function are turned on. Reduce the size of the image on the Output Size or Context page of Sensor Control. On the Options dialog, select the Accelerated Display option. Turn off extra image processing. 
When setting registers the application freezes up:
 -->Changing registers on the image sensor might lead to changes in the data flow resulting in unexpected lockups of the application. Terminate the application as best as possible and reset the sensor by unplugging it and plugging it back in.


  • If the trouble shooting(See 2.2.17) pages did not help solve the problem you are having you may wish to email a bug report as follows:
  • In DevWareDevWareX, go to the menu Help -> Bug Report or select the picture of the "bug" from the toolbar.
  • Provide as detailed as possible a bug description (mention bug symptoms like 'no image', 'distorted image', etc.)
  • Provide information on how to reproduce the bug (what registers did you change, what buttons did you press before the bug showed up, etc)
  • Copy the contents of the system information window to the clipboard by pressing the Copy to Clipboard button.
  • Start an email and paste (Ctrl-V) the clipboard contents of system information into the text portion of the email. Edit this information as you see fit, see the note below.
  • Send the email to
      NOTE: The system information that is gathered to help us solve the problems you encountered consists of the following sections: Application version info, Camera info, Windows Operating System info, Processor info, USB Host Controllers info and Image Sensor Register settings. The application only gathers this information and does not send anything. Please look through the information and edit it as you see fit before emailing it.

    3. About ON Semiconductor's Developer Suite

    The following list provides details about folders of interest installed in C:\Aptina Imaging

    appsApplications that use specialized libraries


    .INI files for ON Semiconductor sensors


    Data files for ON Semiconductor demo boards


    Storage location of DevWare DevWareX captured images

    DevWareXFiles specific to DevWareDevWareX.exe


    Documents, schematics, and BOM's

    driversUSB drivers and User Guide


    Demo board firmware files


    Flash Tool for automotive products


    Demo board FPGA files


    Include files for imaging applications

    imageformatsImage format .dll files


    ON Semiconductor Imaging library (midlib) files


    DevWare DevWareX plug-in files


    Sample imagine application code


    ON Semiconductor sensor data (.SDAT) files

    "Start Menu" Index
    Here is a list of folders and their contents, that are accessible from the Windows Start menu.


    Start->All Programs->Aptina Imaging->Docs
    Links for all documentation and schematics.


    Start->All Programs->Aptina Imaging->SDK
    Links provided to sample applications to help users develop their own imaging applications.


    Start->All Programs->Aptina Imaging->Tools
    Links for tools such as HardwareUpdate, RegPoke, Flashtool, etc.)

    3.1 HardwareUpdate Tool

    This is a Window's application that updates the firmware and FPGA code on the ON Semiconductor Imaging baseboard (Demo2X or Demo3). The tool is located in: Start menu -> All Programs -> Aptina Imaging -> Tools .

    Usage and Tips


  • Connect two Aptina Imaging Demo cameras to the system. Make sure the cameras are recognized and the drivers are installed.
  • Launch SideBySide from the desktop shortcut. The application will automatically start two instances of DevWare DevWareX and size the display windows evenly. The initial startup takes a little more time than normal, but requires no user interaction. Please be patient.
  • All DevWare DevWareX toolbars and dialogs are hidden by the application. They can be manually re-enabled if access to a specific control is needed.
  • Selecting Quit from the SideBySide control bar will close all DevWare DevWareX instances, it is not necessary to close each one separately.



Start displaying the image stream


Pause the image stream


Stop displaying the image stream


(Soft) Reset the sensor to the power-on-defaults. This option loads the [reset] section from the appropriate. ini file.
Note: after resetting the sensor the user should re-load the default register settings by clicking the 'Init' button on the toolbar or picking the 'Initialize' menu option below.


Load the recommended register settings for the sensor. The recommended register settings can be found in the [Demo Initialization] section from the appropriate. ini file.

Full Auto

Enable the recommended software color processing options
Note: for Bayer sensors only

Preview mode

Toggle the sensor between preview (viewfinder) and snapshot mode.
Note: typically not supported for VGA size and smaller sensors  

Check Sensor

Re-evaluate the current state of the sensor. This can help you recover from a situation where DevWare DevWareX is dropping all frames.

4.2 File menu commands

Open Sensor Data File 

Open a specific sensor data (SDAT) file for the current sensor.

Open Image or Video File

Open an image file and display the image, instead of a sensor.

Recent Sensors / ImagesShow a list of the most recent SDAT and image files.
Refresh Register ListReopen a specific sensor data (SDAT) file for the current sensor(Using file browse).

Open Default Presets

Open an INI file as the default presets file. (same as the Browse... button on the Presets dialog).

Open Additional Presets

Open an INI file as an additional presets file. This INI file will not affect the dfault presets file, and it will not be used to specify the actions of the DevWare DevWareX toolbar.Refresh Register List

Reopen a specific sensor data (SDAT) file for the current sensor(Using file browse).

Probe for Devices

Re-run the device probe that will determine what sensor you have attached and automatically select the right SDAT file.

Capture Image

Capture the currently displayed sensor image to hard disk <F9 >.

Take Snapshot

Capture the sensor image to hard disk <Ctrl-F9 >.

Record Video

Record the image stream to hard disk Note: the video is uncompressed and will take significant hard disk space. This mode is for characterization only.


Exit the application. <Alt-F4>.


Help Topics

Offers you an index to topics on which you can get help.

Tutorial VideosPoints to our YouTube channel. The video support link is

Bug report

When you find a problem with this software, please file for a bug report by following the information in the Bug Report Dialog.

System DumpOpens system information in Bug Report pop up window.
Performance OverlayPerformance log is displayed as overlay on the image or view finder.
Performance DumpPerformance Dump is displayed as part of overlay
Check for updatesDisplays the latest DevSuite daily build that could be installed
Internet Home Page
Opens the page


Version and copyright information.


This only occurs when you hide extra rows. In your table below the only case where you used the 'Hide' option is the right-most column, 'AR0220AT/hidden'. In all other columns you have not used the 'Hide' option, so the 'last row' is 'height' - 1.

Double-click "Mouse Selection" bar to open the dialog that allows setting of up to 8 unique mouse configurations.  Also see "Lock Mouse Selection", here.


Not using 'Hide' option: 'last row' = 'height' - 1
Using 'Hide' option: 'last row' = 'height' - number_of_hidden_extra_rows - 1

Whether the sensor outputs embedded data rows is different from whether DevWare DevWareX hides them.






Emb. Data on





Emb. Data hidden










Last row





Height - last row

1 (unhidden)

1 (unhidden)

1 (unhidden)



Displays the default presets file corresponding to the sensor connected7 Dialog and on the image sensor. <F4> or <Ctrl-R>Open or Close Register Data Sheet window containing register bit information


Show or hide the Toolbar(See 2.2.2).

Status Bar

Show or hide the Status Bar that appears along the bottom of the DevWare DevWareX main window. This bar may provide brief infomation about the currently selected feature, status of various Caps/Scroll/Num lock keys, etc.

 User User Toolbar

Show or hide User Toolbar below the menu bar.

User Toolbar 2Show or hide User Toolbar in the right side of DevWare DevWareX to enable adding desired shortcuts needed by user.
Plugins ToolbarShow or hide Plugins menu(See
Toolbar LabelsShow or hide labels for the options in the toolbar.Default Presets
RulersShow or hide the pixel labels in the live video display.
Pixel Values in HexWhen fully zoomed-in in the live video display, show the pixel values in hex or decimal.

Info Dialog

Open or Close the Info(See 2.2.5) Dialog . This dialog contains Demo System information, display format choices and the current mouse selection(See 4.4) choice. <F2> or <Ctrl-I>

Sensor Control

Open or Close the Sensor Control(See 2.2.4) pages. This set of pages provides access to a variety of image sensor registers through a user friendly interface. <F3> or <Ctrl-S>

ColorPipeOpen or Close the ColorPipe dialog.  User Guide can be found here.

Preset Dialog

Open or Close the Presets(See 2.2.6) dialog. This dialog can be used to load or save the current state of the sensors (registers and color pipe settings). <Ctrl-P>

Register Dialog

Open or Close the Registercolor pipe settings). <Ctrl-P>

Register Dialog

Open or Close the Register(See 2.2.7) Dialog. This dialog allows the user to read and write registers on the image sensor. <F4> or <Ctrl-R>

User ControlCreate your own presets using a text editor, or various tools in DevWareX. User Guide can be found here.
Register All Access
(Peek & Poke)
Opens the Peek & Poke(See 2.2.12) dialog. This dialog allows the user to quickly read or write registers Register Data sheetby specifying specific addresses and values.
Register Overwrite
Open or Close the Warn Dialog. User Guide can be found here.

Log Dialog

Open or Close the Register Log(See 2.2.8) Dialog. This dialog allows the user to view and log all the register changes that are happening. This could be useful when manipulating higher-level user interfaces on the Sensor Control pages. <Ctrl-L>Peek & Poke

Opens the Peek & Poke(See 2.2.12) dialog. This dialog allows the user to quickly read or write registers by specifying specific addresses and values.

Analysis Graphs

Open or Close the Analysis(See 2.2.9) Dialog. This dialog displays a graphical interpretation of a selected area of the display. <F5>


Open or Close the Magnifier(See 2.2.10) window. This feature allows user to zoom a desired section of the display area.

Image NavigatorOpen or Close Image Navigator Window.


Open or Close the Watch(See 2.2.13) Dialog. This dialog allows the user to add individual registers and track their value in real time.

Embedded Data ViewerOpens or Closes Embedded Data Viewer which could be used to log embedded data to a desired .csv file.

in real time.

Captured ImagesOpens or closes captured images window showing the images captured in the particular instance of DevWare.
Python ConsoleOpens the Python console where commands could be entered.
Debug ConsoleOpens Debug console.
EEPROM PresetsOpens EEPROM Presets console.
Warning LogOpens the Warning Log Dialog.
Mouse Selection AreaOpens the Mouse Selection Dialog.  Allows for selecting up to 8 different mouse selection configurations.
View sensordata Sensor Data FileOpens the sensor data file for the connected sensor.

Zoom in

Zoom in on the display image. <F10>

Zoom out

Zoom out on the display image. <F11>

Full Screen

Switches the display into FullScreen Mode. To return back to windowed mode, hit any key. <F12 >


Open or Close the Options(See 2.2.15) Dialog.

Center All DialogsUse when switching between different sized monitors and dialogs are positioned off the screen.

Open or Close​

Opens the Peek & Poke(See 2.2.12) dialog. This dialog allows the user to quickly read or write registers by specifying specific addresses and values​

4.7 Gray Checker


Fig.1 demonstrates Log(B/G) vs. Log(R/G) diagram for each GretagMcBeth color squares. Series number corresponds to McBeth color square number. B/G and R/G ratios were calculated for row data received after applying unity analog and digital gain to each color channel at four different color temperatures covering temperature range from 2800K to 6500K. Series 19-22 were received from gray McBeth chart zones and define white-points aria.

Image Removed

Fig.1 Log2(B/G) vs LOG2(R/G) diagram for GretagMcBeth colors received for A-3120 sensor.

Image Added

White-points aria has to be specified for certain sensor and every pixel considering for WB statistic has to be tested for belong to the white aria. The given document describes method estimating distance from any point in 2-D space (current pixel) to white-points curve specified in this space by piece-wise linear curve. The given method is independent from type of coordinates and does not require a lot of resources for implementation.


Copy Image

Copies image to clip Board.

Edit Image in Aptina Viewer

Opens the image in Aptina Viewer to allow editing.

Edit Raw Image in Aptina Viewer

Opens the Raw image in Aptina Viewer so that it can be Edited.

Search Registers

Opens the Search Registers window to search for desired registers.

Edit Default Presets File

Opens the preset file(corresponding to the sensor connected) in not pad to allow editing.



DevWareX Register "Spying"

DevWare DevWareX spies on register writes, and if something that affects DevWare DevWareX changes, such as image format, then DevWare DevWareX adjusts automatically.

This includes writing to the attached device, any auxiliary boards (e.g. Dual Lane MIPI), and/or the basebase (Demo2X or Demo3).
