This property can be set, but setting it does not affect the state of a physical camera. The width, height, and image type can be set together in one call with SetImageFormat().
The possible image types are "BAYER-6", "BAYER-8", "BAYER-10", "BAYER-8+2", "BAYER-10IHDR", "BAYER-12", "BAYER-12HDR", "BAYER-8+4", "BAYER-14", "BAYER-14HDR", "BAYER-16", "BAYER-20", "BAYER-16+4", "BAYER-STEREO", "YCBCR", "YCBCR-16", "YCBCR-10", "YCBCR-20", "YUV-420", "M420", "RGB-565", "RGB-555", "RGB-444X", "RGB-X444", "RGB-332", "RGB-24", "RGB-32", "RGB-48", "BGRG", "JPEG", "JPEG-SPEEDTAGS", and "JPEG-ROT".
BSTR GetFuseID(LONG nIndex)
nIndex – Index of the device if there are more than one.
Gets the FuseID of the device as ASCII hex digits. The nIndex parameter can be used if there are more than one device with a FuseID; for example in the case of an AP0200 with an AR0140 attached, nIndex = 0 will get the AP0200 FuseID, and nIndex = 1 will get the AR0140 FuseID. Use 0 in most cases.
Functions for Executing Scripts