The ApBase COM object makes key functions of the ApBase API available via the COM (Component Object Model) mechanism.
Note: ApBaseCOM does not use Matlab itself, but if you are using DevWare plug-ins that use Matlab, you must install the MatLab Runtime library via this link.
To use ApBase COM, create an object of type apbaseCom.ApBase. The details will depend on the tool or language you are using. The following example is in Matlab.
Here is a minimal procedure to open a demo kit camera, initialize the Aptina device, grab an image and convert it to RGB.
apbase = actxserver('apbaseCom.ApBase');
camera = apbase.Create(0);
camera.LoadIniPreset('', '');
raw = camera.GrabFrame;
rgb = camera.ColorPipe(raw);
Note:The call to LoadIniPreset() with blank parameters is only applicable in situations where the default initialization is sufficient. For demo kits with multiple possible configurations, such as ISP + sensor combinations or different connection options, you will need to specify the particular initialization preset for the configuration.
First create an object of type abpaseCOM.ApBase. Then use this object to enumerate devices and create a camera object.
The ApBase object is free-threaded.
A file name or directory name, or an empty string.
Return Value
Error code.
Search the system for Aptina demo kit devices or other ApBase compatible camera devices, identify the type of sensor or ISP, and build a set of internal data structures for each device. Use Create() to create a camera object.
If the parameter is an empty string, the default installation directory is searched for a sensor data file matching each device. Otherwise the parameter can be a specific sensor data file (.xsdat file) to be used with the device, or a directory to be searched for compatible sensor data files.
Cancel a device probe in progress in another thread.
Property Value
Number of cameras.
Return the number of cameras discovered by the device probe function.
Close all drivers and free all memory associated with the devices. Any existing camera objects become invalid. Called automatically when the object is released.
Property Value
Error code.
The error code from the last function call made in the current thread.
Property Value
Side effects flags.
The side effects flags from the last register write made in the current thread.
A device index, 0…NumCameras – 1.
Return Value
An apbaseCOM.ApCamera object.
Create a camera object for one of the devices discovered by the device probe. If the device probe has not been done yet, this function will call DeviceProbe() with the default parameters.
Creating and destroying these objects does not affect the device or the device state information kept within ApBase.
After creating a camera device, call LoadIniPreset() or CheckSensorState() to make sure the state of the object is synchronized with the state of the device.
An image file name. Cannot be NULL.
Return Value
ApCamera object.
Create a camera object from an image file. This is a way to make use of the image file reading feature of ApBase. Calling GrabFrame() on this object will retrieve the image. The ColorPipe() call can convert it to RGB if it is not RGB already, for example a Bayer image or YCbCr image.
Note:Although it's possible to pass an image file name to DeviceProbe() and call Create(0) to get a camera device object, that method then precludes the possibility of probing for physical camera devices. This function is the preferred way to make a camera object from an image file.
A sensor data file name. Cannot be NULL.
Return Value
ApCamera object.
Create an in-memory camera object from a sensor data file. This is a way to make use of the sensor data file parsing feature of ApBase. No I/O can be done on the resulting object, but it is possible to numerate the registers and get other property values defined in the sensor data file.
Property Value
Path to the Aptina Imaging installation folder.
Property Value
Path to the sensor_data installation folder where sensor data files are stored.
Property Value
The software version number as a string. Example ''.
Property Value
Software build name string. Example '5.0.24_Release'.
nLogFlags – A combination of AP_LOG_x flags.
sFilename – Name of a file for the log data. A new file is created each time this function is called. Digits 0, 1, etc. will be appended to the file name.
Starts a new log file. The file extension is usually .txt. Digits are appended to the filename so the previous log is not overwritten when the program is run again. Use ap_GetIoLogFilename() to get the actual log filename if needed.
Close the current I/O log file.
Property Value
The current I/O log file name.
This function can be called after CloseIoLog(), and will return the most recent log filename.
sText – A text string to add to the log.
The text will be added to the log if there is a log file currently open and AP_LOG was one of the flags passed to OpenIoLog(). A newline at the end of the string is not needed. The text will be preceded by a timestamp in the log file.
sText – The message for the log.
sSource – Name of the current source file. Can be empty.
sFunc – Name of the calling function.
nLine – Line number of the source file.
The text will be added to the log if there is a log file currently open and AP_LOG_DEBUG was one of the flags passed to OpenIoLog(). A newline at the end of the string is not needed. The text will be preceded by a timestamp in the log file.
The sSource, sFunc, and nLine parameters are optional; if included they will be appended to the message. They are included to make it easy to find the location in your source code where a debug message originated from. Many compilers have macros like _FILE, __FUNCTION, __LINE_ that can be used here.
Properties of the apbaseCOM.ApCamera interface.
Property Value
Name of device or sensor.
Can be different from the part number. Read only.
Property Value
Part number.
Property Value
Revision number. Read only.
Property Value
Version string.
Usually like REV1, REV2, etc., but can be more descriptive in some cases. Read only.
Property Value
The name of the file the device parameters are based on.
A .xsdat file for a physical camera, or an image or video file name. Read only.
Property Value
Image width in pixels.
This property can be set, but setting it does not affect the state of a physical camera. The width, height, and image type can be set together in one call with SetImageFormat().
Property Value
Image height in pixels.
This property can be set, but setting it does not affect the state of a physical camera. The width, height, and image type can be set together in one call with SetImageFormat().
Property Value
The image type as a string.
This property can be set, but setting it does not affect the state of a physical camera. The width, height, and image type can be set together in one call with SetImageFormat().
The possible image types are "BAYER-6", "BAYER-8", "BAYER-10", "BAYER-8+2", "BAYER-10IHDR", "BAYER-12", "BAYER-12HDR", "BAYER-8+4", "BAYER-14", "BAYER-14HDR", "BAYER-16", "BAYER-20", "BAYER-16+4", "BAYER-STEREO", "YCBCR", "YCBCR-16", "YCBCR-10", "YCBCR-20", "YUV-420", "M420", "RGB-565", "RGB-555", "RGB-444X", "RGB-X444", "RGB-332", "RGB-24", "RGB-32", "RGB-48", "BGRG", "JPEG", "JPEG-SPEEDTAGS", and "JPEG-ROT".
nIndex – Index of the device if there are more than one.
Gets the FuseID of the device as ASCII hex digits. The nIndex parameter can be used if there are more than one device with a FuseID; for example in the case of an AP0200 with an AR0140 attached, nIndex = 0 will get the AP0200 FuseID, and nIndex = 1 will get the AR0140 FuseID. Use 0 in most cases.
Functions of the apbaseCOM.ApCamera interface for initializing the camera.
sIniFile – An ini file name. Can be NULL or empty.
sPreset – Name of the preset to run. Can be NULL or empty.
Return Value
Error code. 256 for success.
Execute the ini file preset specified. If the sIniFile parameter is NULL or empty, the default ini file is used. If the sPreset parameter is NULL or empty, the default initialization procedure is executed, usually "Python:", if it exists, followed by "Demo Initialization".
After creating a camera device, call this function or CheckSensorState() to make sure the state of the object is synchronized with the state of the device.
szStatements – Pointer to a text string consisting of executable Python statements.
Return Value
Error code.
Invoke the Python interpreter to execute the given statements.
Note: If your Python statements expect the preset named "Python:" in the default ini file to be executed prior, you may need to do that explicitly in your application using LoadIniPreset().
Flags. Not used. Pass 0.
Return Value
Side effects flags.
Re-read all registers on the device to determine the current modes, and update the internal data structures and the demo kit hardware.
Although ApBase examines all register writes as they happen to track the current modes of the camera, there are cases where the internal state of ApBase can get out of sync with the device. For example, downloading a firmware patch to an SOC or ISP can have results that can't be predicted by the software. This function can be used to re-sync ApBase to the device state.
Functions of the apbaseCOM.ApCamera interface for accessing device registers.
sRegisterName – Register name, from xsdat file.
sBitfieldName – Bitfield name, from xsdat file. Can be NULL or empty to read the whole register.
bCached – If non-zero, use a cached register value if available.
Return Value
Register value.
Read the contents of a sensor or ISP register or bitfield, referenced by symbolic name.
nAddrType – Midlib address type symbol (MI_REG_ADDR, etc.)
nAddrSpace – Register page or addressable region.
nAddr – Register address.
nDataBits – Width of the register read operation.
bCached – If non-zero, use a cached value if available.
Return Value
Register value.
Read the contents of a sensor or ISP register, referenced by register type and address.
Functions of the apbaseCOM.ApCamera interface for accessing device registers.
Some register write functions can return status flags. The LastSideEffect property of the ApBase object can retrieve the flags from the most recent register write.
AP_FLAG_OK – No side-effect.
AP_FLAG_REALLOC – Image format (width, height) or buffer size may change.
AP_FLAG_PAUSE – Sensor may stop streaming.
AP_FLAG_RESUME – Sensor may resume streaming.
AP_FLAG_NOT_SUPPORTED – Selecting a mode that is not supported by the demo system.
AP_FLAG_ILLEGAL_REG_COMBO – The new value creates an invalid combination with some other register(s).
AP_FLAG_ILLEGAL_REG_VALUE – The new value is not supported by the device.
AP_FLAG_REGISTER_RESET – Many other register values will change (reset or state change).
AP_FLAG_CLOCK_FREQUENCY – The clock frequency will change (this is a PLL register or clock divider).
AP_FLAG_REG_LIST_CHANGED – The set of camera registers will change.
AP_FLAG_NOT_ACCESSIBLE – Register is not accessible (standby).
AP_FLAG_READONLY – Writing a read-only register.
AP_FLAG_WRITEONLY – Reading a write-only register.
szRegisterName – Register name, from xsdat file.
szBitfieldName – Bitfield name, from xsdat file. Can be NULL or empty to write the whole register.
nValue – New register value.
Return Value
Side effects flags.
Write the contents of a sensor or ISP register or bitfield, referenced by symbolic name.
nAddrType – Midlib address type symbol (MI_REG_ADDR, etc.)
nAddrSpace – Register page or addressable region.
nAddr – Register address.
nDataBits – Width of the register read operation.
nValue – New value for the register.
Return Value
Side effects flags.
Same as SetSensorRegister(), but the register is referenced by register type and address, and always writes the whole register.
These functions can access any device on the I2C bus with burst read or burst write transactions.
nBus – 0 for local bus, 1 for secondary (Far) bus.
nDevice – Device address, usu. 8-bit I2C address.
nAddr – Register address..
nAddrBits – Size of register address in bits.
nDataBits – Size of one register in bits.
nValues – Number of consecutive registers to read.
Return Value
Array of register values.
Read the contents of a series of consecutive device registers.
nBus – 0 for local bus, 1 for secondary (Far) bus.
nDevice – Device address, usu. 8-bit I2C address.
nAddr – Register address..
nAddrBits – Size of register address in bits.
nDataBits – Size of one register in bits.
pnValues – Array of register values.
Return Value
None. Use LastError for status.
Write a series of consecutive device registers.
Functions of the apbaseCOM.ApCamera interface for getting images.
nWidth – New image width, or 0 to keep the current width.
nHeight – New image height, or 0 to keep the current height.
szImageType – Name of new image type, or NULL to keep the current image type.
Return Value
Error code.
ApBase normally calculates the image format from the device register settings automatically. This function can be used as an override if necessary.
Return Value
A 1-dimensional array of pixel values or byte values.
Get the next image from the camera.
Use LastError for the error code.
inImage – An image received from the device, or a similarly formatted image.
outWidth – Pointer to a memory location to receive the width of the output image. May be NULL.
outHeight – Pointer to a memory location to receive the height of the output image. May be NULL.
outBitDepth – Pointer to a memory location to receive the pixel size of the output image. May be NULL.
Return Value
The processed image, normally an array of RGB pixel values.
Convert image data returned from GrabFrame(), or similarly formatted image, to RGB. The output is normally 32 bits per pixel with B – G – R – X byte order.
The converted image could conceivably have different dimensions than the input image. The rgbWidth, rgbHeight and rgbBitDepth parameters will be filled in with the converted image size. These parameters may be NULL.
Calling ColorPipe() before setting Begin Noise Measurement is required.
Image – An image received from the device, or a similarly formatted image.
Save an image from GrabFrame() in any of several file formats, similar to the capability of the Image Save Options dialog in DevWareX. This function will use the ColorPipe() function to create RGB images for file formats requiring RGB. Set the file saving options and path with SetState() and SetStateStr() before calling this function. The following state settings will affect the files created. Adjust the values as desired:
SetState("Save RAW", 1)
SetState("Save HEX", 0)
SetState("Save ITX", 0)
SetState("Save CCR", 0)
SetState("Save DXR", 0)
SetState("Save RAW PNG", 0)
SetState("Save RAW JPEG", 0)
SetState("Save DNG", 0)
SetState("Save 24bpp BMP", 1)
SetState("Save PNG", 0)
SetState("Save 48bpp COLOR TIFF", 0)
SetState("Save JPEG", 0)
SetState("Save TXT", 1)
SetState("Save SS", 1)
SetState("Save Selection Rectangle", 0)
SetState("JPEG Quality (1-100)" 90)
SetState("Still Filename Increment", 0)
SetStateStr("Still File", path...)
Use LastError for the error code.
A convenience function equivalent to calling SaveFrame(GrabFrame()). This function is therefore similar to the Grab button on DevWareX.
Use LastError for the error code.
sState – Name of an integer-valued color pipe state variable.
Return Value
Value of the variable.
Get the value of an integer-valued color pipe state variable. See the State Variables for a list of color pipe variables.
sState – Name of an integer-valued color pipe state variable.
nValue – New value for the variable.
Set the value of an integer-valued color pipe state variable. See the State Variables for a list of color pipe variables.
sState – Name of a string-valued color pipe state variable.
Return Value
Value of the variable.
Get the value of a string-valued color pipe state variable. See the State Variables for a list of color pipe variables.
sState – Name of an string-valued color pipe state variable.
sValue – New value for the variable.
Set the value of a string-valued color pipe state variable. See the State Variables for a list of color pipe variables.
sAppFileName – A a string containing the application name, which will be included in the output text.
Return Value
The System Dump text.
This function creates the System Dump text, as on the DevWareX System Dump menu, or the xx_info.txt files saved by DevWareX. This function will read all device registers, and so can take several seconds.
The text from the szAppFileName parameter will appear in the output text as 'Application Name = ...'.
Methods of the apbaseCOM.ApCamera interface for enumerating device registers.
sDevice – Name of the chip. It can be a sensor or ISP part number, or a demo kit component. An empty string will refer to the sensor or ISP.
Return Value
Number of registers defined for the specified device.
The return value minus 1 is the maximum value that can be used as the nIndex parameter of ApCamera.Register(), below.
sDevice – Name of the chip. It can be a sensor or ISP part number, or a demo kit component. An empty string will refer to the sensor or ISP.
nIndex – A value from 0 to NumRegisters() – 1 that can be used to get each of the defined registers in turn.
Return Value
An ApRegister object that is a reference to the specified register.
sDevice – Name of the chip. It can be a sensor or ISP part number, or a demo kit component. An empty string will refer to the sensor or ISP.
sRegister – The symbolic name of the register.
Return Value
An ApRegister object that is a reference to the specified register.
See apbaseCom.ApRegister Properties below.
sDevice – Name of the chip. It can be a sensor or ISP part number, or a demo kit component. An empty string will refer to the sensor or ISP.
sRegister – The symbolic name of the register.
sBitfield – The symbolic name of the bitfield.
Return Value
An ApBitfield object that is a reference to the specified bitfield.
See apbaseCom.ApBitfield Properties below.
Methods of the apbaseCOM.ApRegister interface.
nIndex – A value from 0 to NumBitfields() – 1 that can be used to get each of the defined bitfields in turn.
Return Value
An ApBitfield object that is a reference to the specified bitfield.
See apbaseCom.ApBitfield Properties below.
sBitfield – The symbolic name of the bitfield.
Return Value
An ApBitfield object that is a reference to the specified bitfield.
See apbaseCom.ApBitfield Properties below.
Properties of the apbaseCOM.ApRegister interface.
Property Value
Symbolic name of the register.
This name is used by other API calls, in INI file scripts, etc.
Property Value
Display name of the register.
Very often, this is the same as the symbolic name, but in lower case.
Property Value
Short description of the register.
A one-line description of the register.
Property Value
Long description of the register.
This is the full data sheet documentation of the register.
Property Value
The width of the register in bits.
Can be 8, 16 or 32. In many cases, only a subset of the bits are meaningful.
Property Value
Which bits of the register are meaningful.
Property Value
The default value of the register.
Property Value
Data type of the register.
Example values are "unsigned", "signed", "fixed8", etc.
Property Value
The minimum recommended or useful value of the register.
The return value is converted to floating point according to the data type of the register.
Property Value
The maximum recommended or useful value of the register.
The return value is converted to floating point according to the data type of the register.
Property Value
The register address.
Property Value
The address space of the register.
Property Value
Symbolic name of the register's address space.
Property Value
Display name of the register's address space.
Property Value
The address type of the register.
Possible values are 0 for simple register, 1 for firmware variable, 2 for advanced register other RAM address, 3 for other indirectly addressed register, or 4 for attached sensor register (as on an ISP with an attached sensor).
Property Value
The allowed access to the register.
Possible values are 0 for read/write, 1 for read-only or 2 for write-only.
Properties of the apbaseCOM.ApBitfield interface.
Property Value
Symbolic name of the bitfield.
This name is used by other API calls, in INI file scripts, etc.
Property Value
Display name of the bitfield.
Very often, this is the same as the symbolic name, but in lower case.
Property Value
Short description of the bitfield.
A one-line description of the bitfield.
Property Value
Long description of the bitfield.
This is the full data sheet documentation of the bitfield.
Property Value
The width of the bitfield in bits.
Can be any value from 1 to the width of the parent register.
Property Value
Which bits of the parent register belong to this bitfield.
Property Value
The bitfield bitmask shifted right to the LSB.
This mask is suitable for masking off a value to be written to the bitfield.
Property Value
The default value of the bitfield.
Property Value
Data type of the bitfield.
Example values are "unsigned", "signed", "fixed8", etc.
Property Value
The minimum recommended or useful value of the bit bitfield mask.
The return value is converted to floating point according to the data type of the bitfield.
Property Value
The maximum recommended or useful value of the bitfield.
The return value is converted to floating point according to the data type of the bitfield.
Property Value
The allowed access to the bitfield.
Possible values are 0 for read/write, 1 for read-only or 2 for write-only.