Images and Videos can be loaded for viewing, either by drag-and-drop method, or via the "File" menu via "Open Image or Video File".
Most image and video types can be viewed, including 32-bit BMP file format. See the Sensor Control dialogs of "Image Save Options" and "Video Record" for specifics.
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Reg Capture Page
This advanced feature allows the user to record the state of specific registers when performing a still image capture. A single register or a range or registers can be selected at once and added to the list. Multiple entries can be added to the list and each can be grouped into custom named categories.
Normally, when the Capture button on the Toolbar(See 2.2.2) is pushed and the "TXT (registers)" option is checked on the Save Options page a "capture####_info.txt" file is created. This file contains a variety of information, among which is the entire sensor register state at the time of the capture. For some purposes this may be more information than is necessary. The Reg Capture page allows the user to record only the register states they are interested in during the capture and simplifies subsequent locating or viewing within the .txt file.
Reg Capture appends any user defined categories to the end of the .txt file. To ease viewing and reduce the filesize, the user can remove the full register state dump. Expand the General category in the list box and uncheck the "All Registers" entry. By default this option is enabled (checked).
Video Record Page Anchor videorecordpage videorecordpage
To capture a video stream press the Record button on the Toolbar(See 2.2.2).
NOTE: If Capture to RAM is unchecked, video is streamed directly to disk. The performance will depend on the speed of the hard disk and could result in dropped frames.
NOTE: The video formats are uncompressed and will take a significant amount of hard disk space.
NOTE: If Preview is disabled then the Color Pipe functions are skipped while live frames are accumulating. There will be no AE, nor any other Color Pipe processing.
You can save data in MPEG-4, AVI (2GB limit), WMV, or RAW format. RAW format requires no image processing and usually takes less disk space. If you don't have a compatible WMV codec installed, you'll be prompted with a URL to download one when you select that format.
You can also save data as "PNG Raw Files" or "PNG RGB Files", which is the ability to save a video as a sequence of PNG files in either Raw or RGB format. Note that Raw only supports Bayer or similar (not YCbCr).