Navigate to the vendor-specific sub-folder in “\aptina imaging\apps_data\Serdes”.
Copy “SERDES_template.cdat” to the “board_data” folder under the installation folder.
This file can be renamed, but the starting portion of “SERDES_” must be maintained as-is.
Edit that .cdat file as described in the header and by following the examples for registers and bit-fields.
Start DevWareX and Detect or load the sensor SDAT file.
Enable the Register dialog, use the “Page:” pull-down to select the “CHIPNAME” as defined in the CDAT.
Debug SerDes Issues
The SerDes devices will lock-up if the image stream is too fast for the SerDes can handle. This will show up as a “Comm:Failure” in the Register dialog:
Do the following to first see if the SerDes have I2C communications.
Exit DevWareX. Power cycle the Demo3 / SERDES sensor by unplug/plug in the USB cable.
Run DevWareX but only do a Detect - do NOT run any preset, do not select Play.
Do you still see Comm:Failure?
If you see “Comm:Working” in Green that means working I2C.
If you still see Comm:Failure then remove the SerDes and run the MARs module by itself.
If that doesn’t stream, the issue is the MARs module but issues with the SerDes and/or Coax cable.
Assuming you have working I2C, look at register 0x3030 / PLL_MULTIPLIER (usually that address and/or name). Edit the INI file for the preset you’re running and device the value it is set to by 50%.
Run the preset - if it streams, then the sensor was originally sending data too fast for the SerDes to handle.
If you get Comm:Failure again, lower the PLL_MULTIPLIER even more.
If you don’t get Comm:Failure but it doesn’t stream, then the SerDes programming is probably wrong.