Start Address - Specify the flash address to beging writing the image to.
Erase Before Writing - The flash device content will be erased prior to programming the new content into it. Uncheck to suppress erasing the flash device content, this may be desirable if the area in the address space of the device has been erased before.
Program Image into Flash - Select the button to write an existing image to flash.
In order to perform this operation, a Demo2/Demo2X camera with the correct headboard and a supported flash device must be connected to your computer. Anchor
Select the button to read the flash memory image and save it to a binary (.bin) file.
Generate Configuration from Image (Aptina Internal only)
Select the button to convert a binary (.bin) file into a Configuration (.fcfg) file.
Select the button to save the current configuration to a file (.cfg) . The file can be opened later to add records or make changes.
1.4.2 Generate Image
Image Type - Choose Base Image to create a complete image, which includes all tables and assets. This option is necessary in order to produce a valid initial flash image. Choose Image Extension in order to produce a binary image of the assets only. This includes the patches, graphics overlay bitmaps and strings, and distortion correction configurations. An extension file is needed in order to add assets into an existing base image.
Generate Flash Image - Select to generate a binary image (.bin) of the flash memory configuration. This image can be written into flash using this or other tools. Note; if Spaces Mode is enabled (see "Global Settings/Enable Spaces Mode"), a warning dialog will appear when the "Generate Flash Image" button is pressed, with the option to cancel the operation