Sensor Data File (.xsdat or .sdat)
The sensor data file is used by the application to convert the symbolic names of sensor registers and variables to numeric addresses.
- Global; contains register and variable settings that don't apply to the other specific areas (such as Patch or Calibration).
- Patch; contains patches (some recommended, some optional on per-feature basis) to be applied.
- Calibration; contains settings that are specific to calibration.
- Distortion Correct; settings for devices that support distortion correction (also know as "Dewarp").
- Graphics Overlay; settings to define overlays available to the product.
- Command Sequence; settings where specific Host Commands can be defined.Vendor Specific; allows definition of custom records types.
3 General Table Controls
Each table contains a set of general controls to manipulate records.
Note: "Insert From Fcfg" doesn't apply to "Command Sequence" nor "Vendor Specific".
3.1 Convert INI
This dialog lets you load INI file Preset data from an INI file, or copy/paste the info. When using "Load Text", you must include the preset name as the first line.
Once loaded, select "Convert" to convert to records, and then "Add and Close" to add the records.
3.2 Add New Record
This dialog lets you create new records of various types. Select the Type, and the "Usage" will appear in the upper dialog.
You can optionally add comments in the "Record Comments" section, but you add the record data in the "Record parameters" section.
Note: selecting "Command" record type opens an additional pull-down dialog for you to select the actual command.
3.3 Insert from Fcfg
This dialog will add the records as defined in a .fcfg file. Note that the entire .fcfg file contents will be added as there is no way for FlashTool to determine which record types would apple to the given Table. Edit Record and Delete Record
Self-explanatory really; edit or delete existing records. Patch Table
Note: no warning is given when selecting "Delete Record", and there is no "Undo" function.
In this table specify the list of firmware patches that need to be included in the flash image. Please note that when you locate a .bin file which includes the patch, the tool will also look for a file with a similar name ending with the extension .info. The .info file has to be the correct information file for the intended patch file.