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You may create your own presets using a text editor, or various tools in DevWare DevWareX.
The preset name may consist of any combination of ASCII characters (alphanumeric, symbolic, space, etc.) except "[", "]", "," or the sequence "//".
To execute the preset select it in the DevWare Presets dialog and click Load.


ICON = <icon name> [,CHECKED|RADIO= <register name>[:<bitfield name>]|STATE:<STATE variable> <condition>] [,ENABLED= <register name>[:<bitfield name>|:<mask>]|STATE:<STATE variable> <condition>]  //<comment>

Defines the icon image and button state for a User Toolbar button in DevWare. Only takes effect if the preset name begins with “Toolbar:” or “Toolbar2:”.

If the <icon name> contains a dot “.” character, it's interpreted as a filename with a path relative to the ini file. The icon file can be a .ico or a .bmp (24x24 pixels, 32-bpp, R-G-B-alpha) file.

Example: Load icon from file zoom.ico.
ICON = zoom.ico

Otherwise the name specifies a built-in icon image. The built-in images are different colored shapes. Specify the shape and color. The shapes are circle, square, triangle and star. The colors are black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, gray and white.

Example: Use a built-in icon image.
ICON= green square.

Optionally you can define the 'checked' (pressed-in) and enabled (not grayed out) state for the button, based on the value of a register, bitfield or DevWare STATE variable. The <condition> can be ==, !=, <, >, <=, or >= followed by a numerical constant. Use the RADIO keyword for a group of mutually exclusive buttons. Use the CHECKED keyword for independent buttons.

Example: Load icon from file antishake.bmp, and declare that the button should be pressed-in when SEQ_STATE_CFG_2_AS equals 1 and not pressed otherwise.
ICON= antishake.bmp, CHECKED= SEQ_STATE_CFG_2_AS == 1

Example: Load icon from file Zoom1.bmp, and declare that the button should be pressed-in when the DevWare STATE variable Display Zoom Percent equals 100.
ICON= Zoom1.bmp, CHECKED= STATE:Display Zoom Percent == 100

See also the MENUITEM= and TOOLTIP= commands.
