To use ApBase COM, create an object of type apbaseCom.ApBase. The details will depend on the tool or language you are using. The following example is in Matlab.
Here is a minimal procedure to open a demo kit camera, initialize the ON Semiconductor device, grab an image and convert it to RGB.
% open ApBase and Camera, and initialize via "Demo Initialization" preset
apbase = actxserver('apbaseCom.ApBase');
camera = apbase.Create(0);
camera.LoadIniPreset('', '');
% Throw-away the first frame after initialization
raw = camera.GrabFrame;
% grab a frame, convert to RGB
raw = camera.GrabFrame;
rgb = camera.ColorPipe(raw);
Get the next image from the camera.
Use LastError for the error code.
Note: after initialization via "LoadIniPreset('', '')", do a call to GrabFrame() to throw-away the first frame due to possibility it will be a partial frame - first-waffle kind of thing.
Frames after that will be full frames.
VARIANT ColorPipe(VARIANT inImage, ULONG *outWidth, ULONG *outHeight, ULONG *outBitDepth)