MENUITEM = "<menu text>", LOAD= <preset> [, ICON= <icon name>] [,CHECKED|RADIO= <register name>[:<bitfieldname>]|STATE:<STATE variable> <condition>] [,ENABLED= <register name>[:<bitfield name]|STATE:<STATE variable> <condition>][,SHORTCUT=<key combination>] //<comment> Defines a drop-down menu item for a User Toolbar button in DevWare. Only takes effect if the preset name begins with "Toolbar:" or "Toolbar2:". This command causes the toolbar button behavior to change to a drop-down menu action.
The ICON=, CHECKED=, RADIO= and ENABLED= attributes work as in the ICON= command, except they apply only to the menu item, not the toolbar button. The icon file must be a .bmp (32-bpp, R-G-B-alpha) file, 13x13 pixels for the normal Windows text size. At this time, if SHORTCUT= attribute works like the SHORTCUT= command, but applies only to this menu item.
If ICON= is used then CHECKED= or RADIO= will may have no visible effect depending on OS or GUI library.
The maximum number of menu items on a single toolbar button is 25.
Example: Group multiple presets under one button [Toolbar: 1280x720] MENUITEM= "Parallel 1280x720 36.19fps", LOAD= Parallel 1280x720 36.19fps XBin2YBin2_BinSum MENUITEM= "Parallel 1280x720 51.69fps", LOAD= Parallel 1280x720 51.69fps XBin2YSkip2_ColSum2 MENUITEM= "HiSPi 1280x720 51.69fps", LOAD= HiSPi 1280x720 51.69fps XBin2YSkip2_ColSum2
Example: Image Orientation control for a SMIA sensor using radio button icons [Toolbar: Orientation] MENUITEM= "Normal", LOAD= Normal, RADIO= IMAGE_ORIENTATION==0 MENUITEM= "Mirror", LOAD= Horiz Mirror, RADIO= IMAGE_ORIENTATION==1 MENUITEM= "Flip", LOAD= Vertical Flip, RADIO= IMAGE_ORIENTATION==2 MENUITEM= "Rotate 180", LOAD= Rotate 180, RADIO= IMAGE_ORIENTATION==3 [Normal] FIELD_WR= IMAGE_ORIENTATION, 0 [Horiz Mirror] FIELD_WR= IMAGE_ORIENTATION, 1 [Vertical Flip] FIELD_WR= IMAGE_ORIENTATION, 2 [Rotate 180] FIELD_WR= IMAGE_ORIENTATION, 3
See also the ICON=, SHORTCUT= and TOOLTIP= commands. |