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Via the DevWareX “Register All Access”

Start DevWareX and Detect or load the sensor SDAT file. Under “View”, select “Register All Access (Peek & Poke)”. This will start the dialog as a Tab under the Register dialog. Use the “Any Device Register” section and enter the data in the much the same manner as regpoke.exe.

Via a CDAT file

This method takes the most effort, but has the advantage of being able to define the SerDes registers by name and then access them via the DevWareX Register dialog. To use this method, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the vendor-specific sub-folder in “\aptina imaging\apps_data\Serdes”.

  2. Copy “SERDES_template.cdat” to the “board_data” folder under the installation folder.

    1. This file can be renamed, but the starting portion of “SERDES_” must be maintained as-is.

  3. Edit that .cdat file as described in the header and by following the examples for registers and bit-fields.

  4. Start DevWareX and Detect or load the sensor SDAT file.

  5. Enable the Register dialog, use the “Page:” pull-down to select the “CHIPNAME” as defined in the CDAT.

Debug SerDes Issues

The SerDes devices will lock-up if the image stream is too fast for the SerDes can handle. This will show up as a “Comm:Failure” in the Register dialog:

image-20240521-202432.pngImage Added

Do the following to first see if the SerDes have I2C communications.

  1. Exit DevWareX. Power cycle the Demo3 / SERDES sensor by unplug/plug in the USB cable.

  2. Run DevWareX but only do a Detect - do NOT run any preset, do not select Play.

  3. Do you still see Comm:Failure?

If you see “Comm:Working” in Green that means working I2C.

  • If you still see Comm:Failure then remove the SerDes and run the MARs module by itself.

  • If that doesn’t stream, the issue is the MARs module but issues with the SerDes and/or Coax cable.

Assuming you have working I2C, look at register 0x3030 / PLL_MULTIPLIER (usually that address and/or name). Edit the INI file for the preset you’re running and device the value it is set to by 50%.

Run the preset - if it streams, then the sensor was originally sending data too fast for the SerDes to handle.

  • If you get Comm:Failure again, lower the PLL_MULTIPLIER even more.

  • If you don’t get Comm:Failure but it doesn’t stream, then the SerDes programming is probably wrong.