Sensor | The ON Semiconductor Imaging sensor being used (only appears if value is different than "Part Number"). | |
Part numberNumber | The ON Semiconductor part number for this sensor. | |
Family | Will appear when a sensor is a member of a "family" of sensors (e.g., Hyperlux). | |
Sensor version | The version of the image sensor. | |
Sensor type | Either 'Bayer' or 'SOC' sensor. | |
Die Temp. | Die Temperature. | |
Interface | Sensor output type; Parallel, MIPI, HiSpi, etc. | |
Software: | ||
Build name | The version and type of build (either Release or Beta). | |
Build version | The full version number (major.minor.revision.build) of the DevWareX application. | |
Build date | Date the software was compiled. (MM/DD/YYYY) | |
Demo Board: | Type of Demo board being used (for example: DEMO2X or DEMO3). | Firmware | The version of the Firmware code on the Demo board
Input Clock | The sensor's input clock (in MHz). | |
Array Clock | The oscillator frequency being used (in MHz). | |
Pixel Output Clock | The pixel clock output as calculated by DevWareX based on the specific configuration of the attached device. Array Clock is nominally the sensor array clock. It's the clock used to calculate row time, exposure time, etc. Normally, the clock rates are re-measured when a PLL register is changed. Depending on the demo kit configuration, it may not be possible to measure the clocks from software. Demo2X can measure PIXCLK if the sensor is streaming in parallel mode. Demo3 can measure Input Clock if it is hooked up to the Demo3 clock sense line. Once one of the clocks is measured, the other two can be calculated from the PLL settings. The clock speed on the Options dialog sets the Array Clock value (in case DevWareX can't measure it), and Pixel Clock and Input Clock will be automatically calculated according to the PLL settings. | |
Width | The pixel width of the displayed sensor image. | |
Height | The pixel height of the displayed sensor image. | |
FormatImage Type | The current sensor image format (for example 'YCbCr', 'Bayer 8', 'Bayer 10', etc.). | |
Size (bytes) | Size of image data, in bytes. | |
Frames | A frame counter that gets increased for each displayed sensor image. | |
Dropped frames | Dropped frames are possible under the following circumstances:
| |
FPS (Sensor) | The computed number of Frames Per Second that the sensor is running at based on register settings and oscillator (see Clock above) value. | |
FPS (Datalink) | The number of Frames Per Second that the camera sends to the host computer via USB (or other data link). This number can be influenced by the speed of the computer, or the host controller and drivers. | |
FPS (Display) | The number of Frames Per Second that are displayed on the computer. A camera frame is first converted from its native format (see above) to a 32bit RGB image and finally converted to the display adapter's resolution (preferably also 32 bit). Software image processing can slow down the display frame rate. The display frame rate is also affected by the host computer's display drivers. The Accelerated selection on the Options(See 2.2.15) dialog can help. | |
Cursor pos | The mouse cursor position when the mouse is over the display area. Expressed as a positive (width, height) value relative to the upper-right most pixel (0,0). | |
Raw Data | The unprocessed sensor data at the mouse cursor position. For SOC sensors the data is separated into Y, Cb, and Cr values. For Bayer sensors there is a single data value, with the Bayer color pattern position indicated in parentheses (R, Gr, Gb, or B). | |
R: Output | The value of the Red component of the displayed image at the mouse cursor position. | |
G: Output | The value of the Green component of the displayed image at the mouse cursor position. | |
B: Output | The value of the Blue component of the displayed image at the mouse cursor position. |