Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


-output <C/H/Binary filename>
Specify the filename for the C output file. The next parameter will control if output is header file format or code block format. If not given, default is stdout.

-sdat < sdat or .xsdat file name >
Specify the sdat/xsdat files input. If this file is missing, the program will stop.

-format <C/H>
Specify the output format. "C" will instruct the program to create C language code block; "H" will cause the program to create C header file format. If this switch is missing, or in default case, Ini_2_C will produce header file format output.-sdat < sdat or .xsdat file name >
Specify the sdat/xsdat files input. If this file is missing, the program will stop
The output format, either H (header) format or C (source code) format, default is H format.

The output format is also adjusted by the platform switch.

-platform <FULL, MRVL, MTK, QRD, ROCK, SPRD, WIN >
  Platform adjusted output fields, default is FULL.
  Full Header format: {op, data width/bit, address space, reg address, bit mask, value).
  Full C Source code format: function(data width/bit, address space, reg address, bit mask, value).
  Spreadtrum Header format: {reg address,  value} (write only).
  Spreadtrum C Source code format: function(reg address, value).
  Qualcomm Header format: {reg address, value, mask} (write only).
  Qualcomm C Source code format: function(reg address, value, mask).
  Qualcomm mask can be omitted.
  Marvell Header format: {reg address, value, 1 or 2 bytes} (write only).
  Marvell C Source code format: function(reg address, value, 1 or 2 bytes).
  MTK Header format: {reg address, value, 1 or 2 bytes} (write only).
  MTK C Source code format: function(reg address, value, 1 or 2 bytes).
  Rockchip Header format: {8 or 16 bits, reg address, value} (write only).
  ROckchip C Source code format: function(8 or 16 bits, reg address, value).
  Windows Header format: {reg address, value, Length, Delay} (write only).
  Windows C Source code format: function(reg address, value, Length, Delay).

The program will output excessive message to output, including all presets and line inforamtion. Default is not to output debuging messages.


Gives usage of the tool.